Will Ya?

Will ya burn myself into the flame
Will ya bury me in the grave
Will ya slice my skin and cut it into pieces
Will ya weep over the God that brought me for ya
You will, I believe
Then do it
Do it. Do it for us!
Kill me! Shoot me! Stab me with your eyes!
Your eyes are vulture
Your mouths are wonderful
As hell and heaven in one horizon
As demond and angel in one hormon
Will ya kick me to the edge of the world
Will ya write my name with your blood on the wall
Will ya look to the sky and find me there flying as air
I don't believe you will
I don't believe you're exist
You're my spirit
You're shadow of mine

Powerful shine came to me one night
Flied as bat in bird shape
Blood flooded my room with eyes watching
Eyes everywhere, o eyes everywhere
Come to me, o you,
Come beside me and accompany me
Will ya?
I'm freezing, for Godsake
Handling knife and begin to stab my heart with it
Blood flooded my body with knife sticking
Knife everytime, o knife everytime

You're a shine, o shine
You're a book among darkness
You're a light between wolve and wolverine
Please, o please,
Come to me that fogged night
While I'm dying in my own blood
My shadow cut my member one by one
Then flying to the black hole of galaxy
With stars, moons, asteroids, suns, and spacecrafts
With no oxygen, no gravity
Come to me, o you,
O, come to me...
O, die...


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